Machine Forth


MachineForth can look just like traditional Forth if you want, but the carry bit on the x21 series makes it different than traditional Forth, and the flow control words like IF and WHILE don’t consume the flag, they are like DUP IF etc. So in those ways Machine Forth is different, but can support traditional Forth compiler designs etc.

Jeff Fox, 2001.


A curated bibliography

REUBEN, Thomas. Machine Forth for the ARM processor. In: Euroforth, 17-20 September Hotel Rus, St. Petersburg, Russia, 1999. «» [local mirror 20211105]

CEBALLOS, Federico de. A Machine Forth Specification based on the PSC1000 capabilities. EuroForth 2000. «» [local mirror 20211105]

TASGAL, John. An Introduction to Machine Forth. In: FortWrite FIGuk, v. 106, April 2000. p. 28-33 <> [local mirror 20211105] (complete issue)

TASGAL, John. An Introduction to Color Forth. In: FortWrite FIGuk. v. 107, June 2000. p. 17-23. <> [local mirror 20211105] (complete issue)

TASGAL, John. An Introduction to Machine Forth. In: FortWrite FIGuk. Special Issue, June 2000. <> [local mirror 20211105]

F21 MicroprocessorPreliminary specifications 9/98. «» [local mirror 20211105]